The perfect Christmas gifting experience is all about that look of utter delight as HE opens the box or rips open the wrapping to discover a twist on his absolute favourite, wouldn’t you agree?

This time, we chose to include an alcohol gift for our Christmas gifting series. The options were many to choose from since Christmas is an occasion to celebrate, rejoice and of course raise a toast too.

CONSILIUM BLACK WHISKY is the first artistically crafted rye malt and peated malt whiskies which has finally made a debut in India. 
Consilium Rye Malt is a blend of Scotch and German Rye, which is very unique and unconventional.

For more Christmas Gifts ideas, do click HERE


Since 2009, the Rye whisky category has grown exponentially in mature alcohol markets. So, the brand is  aiming to catch up with the ongoing trend and offer the discerning Indian whisky consumers a distinctive choice. Peated malts have long been favoured by a large section of Indian consumers, and The Cigar Malt aims to target this group of drinkers.

Rojita Tiwari, Chief Brand Strategist of Consilium Black, says - "Both, Rye Malt and Cigar Malt whiskies, are a first-of-its-kind in the country. Over the years, we have seen demand for well-crafted blended whiskies in India. While there are many options available for consumers, Rye whisky still remains an unexplored segment.”

So, if you are still moving down the Christmas shopping list but you’ve come to a roadblock: what to give the epicurean in your life, Consilium Black is an ideal choice to rejoice.

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