Rishina Kandhari - No one likes a powerful woman.


Rishina Kandhari: We talk about Women empowerment and liberation here which is just a small part of the big cities. 90% of women in our country face the problems like lack of education, are made to sit at home, not allowing them to work, married as a child, giving birth in early age, not allowed to speak their mind out and suppressed from emoting their desires and feelings and dreams.

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Trust me, in the male-dominated world, no one likes a powerful woman. They might be good on your face but will definitely try to cut the ladder of growth. I don’t deny that some of them misuse the woman card but give them the benefit of doubt of where they are coming from. In my opinion and observation, men cheat to satisfy their dirty desires whereas women cheat if they are not respected and loved by their husbands, they do it in search of love.

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